Private Lessons & Conversation Groups

Sophie French Tutor acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which they live and work, the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people of the Eastern Kulin, and pays respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.
Education and Training
Short courses
2022 Formation en Phonétique corrective du FLE par la Méthode Verbo-Tonale (MVT),
Perfectionnement niveau 2, Alliance Française de Padoue
Course in corrective phonetics for French as a second language, using the Verbo-Tonale
Method, Advanced 2
2022 Formation en Phonétique corrective du FLE par la Méthode Verbo-Tonale (MVT),
Perfectionnement niveau 1, Alliance Française de Padoue
Course in corrective phonetics for French as a second language, using the Verbo-Tonale
Method, Advanced 1
2021 Formation en Phonétique corrective du FLE par la Méthode Verbo-Tonale (MVT),
Formation initiale, Alliance Française de Padoue
Course in corrective phonetics for French as a second language, using the Verbo-Tonale
Method, Initiation
2021 / 2022 La psychologie pour les enseignants, Université Paris Sciences et Lettres
Psychology for teachers
2020 Sons, communication et parole, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès
Sounds, communication and speech
2020 Pratiques de l'enseignement de la prononciation en FLE, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès
Methods for teaching pronunciation in French as a foreign language
2019 / 2020 Moi, prof de FLE, Liège Université
Me, teacher of French as a foreign language
2019 Enseigner le Français langue étrangère aujourd'hui,CAVILAM Alliance Française
Teaching French as foreign language nowadays
2015 Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects, University of California, San Diego, Coursera
2014 Foundation of Teaching for Learning, Commonwealth Education Trust, Coursera
1 : Introduction
2 : Being a Teacher
4 : Curriculum
5 : Planning for Teaching and Learning
2014 Foundations of Virtual Instruction, University of California, Irvine, Coursera
In France
2000 Baccalauréat série L French equivalent of the VCE, specialised in Literature, Languages, History and Philosophy
Lycée Gustave Monod, Enghien-les-Bains (Val d'Oise), France
2001 Hypokhâgne Intensive one year post high-school course, specialised in Literature, Languages, History and Philosophy
Lycée Gustave Monod, Enghien-les-Bains (Val d'Oise), France
2003 DEUG de Sociologie Similar to the first two years of an Australian Undergraduate Degree (doesn't exist anymore), specialised in Sociology and Anthropology
Université Paris 5, René Descartes, Paris, France
2007 BTS de Gestion Hôtelière Professional degree in Hospitality Management
Ecole Hôtelière de Paris, Lycée Jean Drouant, Paris, France