How to ace a French oral exam? Start training ASAP!
Got a language examination like the VCE, TCF, DELF or DALF on the horizon? Whether it’s happening at the end of the year or a few months away, one thing’s certain: the earlier you start, the better! Wondering how to crush your French speaking exam? I’ll tell you all my tips to create an efficient study plan and set yourself up for success.
Learn how to crush your French speaking exam by starting early
You know what they say: the early bird catches the worm. By starting your preparation early, you’ll give yourself plenty of time to practice for your exam!
An early start also allows you to carefully plan and spread out the themes you need to cover.

For example:
January: focus on introducing yourself.
February: dive into topics like leisure, travel and tourism.
March: review how to talk about the past, etc.
You can adapt this approach to the specific topics you want to review (depending on the exam you’re taking). Of course, you must adjust your schedule to the time you have left before the test.
No more last-minute rushing or skipping subjects! Thanks to your head start, you’ll have enough time to study and feel fully prepared for D-DAY. 💪
Understand the structure of your French oral
Concretely, how do I prepare for my French speaking exam? Well, I’m glad you asked!
Get to know the format of the test
To crush your French oral, the number one rule is to get familiar with the exam format. You need to understand the different sections of the test. Will there be a dialogue? A monologue? Maybe both? How long will it last? Will you have to sing and dance? - Just kidding! 😉 But you get the idea: knowing how the test is structured is essential.
You also have to anticipate what the examiner expects of you. Explore the typical topics and grammar rules that are likely to come up. Using specific sentence structures and vocabulary can often impress examiners and earn you those extra points.

Nail your TCF, DELF or VCE preparation with practice tests
Practice with past papers so you’ll know exactly what kind of questions to expect. That way, you’ll be fully prepared!
Thankfully, we have this wonderful tool today called the Internet! Depending on the exam you’re preparing for, you can start training as early as now:
👉 For the French VCE, explore examples of topics and past papers.
👉 For the TCF preparation, you can download sample questions for each section of
the test (both for IRN and Canada).
👉 For the DELF and DALF, you’ll find plenty of materials to help you prepare efficiently from A1 to C2.
Speak like a Parisian on a regular basis
Start working with a Francophone tutor
If you have the opportunity, practicing regularly with a native tutor IS the ultimate deal 😉. Among many things, a tutor can help you:
maintain and improve your French (obviously 😝);
focus on specific areas you want to work on (yes, we can help you nail the passé composé!);
prepare effectively for your exam.
Better yet, you can rehearse with them as if they were the examiner, so you feel more confident for the big day!

Join a VCE French conversation workshop
Do you have a VCE French oral exam coming up at the end of the year? Are you feeling tense about the oral section? You’re welcome to join our VCE French conversation workshop to practice in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. 😄
As we say in France: L’union fait la force! (= Unity creates strength)
I know many students get limited opportunities to practice speaking French at school, which can leave them feeling unprepared and uneasy when it’s time to perform…
So if you’re looking for extra practice, feel free to join us! Here are some details about the program:
Duration: 10 weeks, with one 45-minute session per week;
Number of participants: 3 to 4 students per group;
Where: Online via Zoom.
➡️ Find out more details about our meetups on this page. 💻
So, there you have it! All the tips you need to get a head start on your oral exam preparation. Don’t forget:
The earlier you start learning, the better!
Stay one step ahead: knowing the structure of your exam is key.
Keep practicing French regularly right up to exam day!
Now, ready to start speaking as confidently as Bradley Cooper, Jane Fonda and Johnny Depp? Yes, they all speak French! If celebrities can do it, so can you. You’re gonna smash this exam like a rockstar. 😉
And if you got other tips you want to share, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below!
A bientôt!
➡️ Want more advice? Check out 5 resolutions to improve your French during the year. 🏋️